
It's been an inspiration to watch you finding ways to make real in society what our faiths all say should happen-communities of love and justice. 

-- Rev. Paul Allen, pastor emeritus, Winnetka Congregational Church and a founder of Open Communities

You have truly transformed the organization and our community. Your stalwart advocacy and programming has been a source of inspiration for me.

-- Barb T.

Very few people are passionate about social justice as you and your passion is infectious.

-- Dilnaz W.

Much for being such a good friend and a good mentor to me. I also thank you for listening and understanding me and speaking up for me.

-- Kiana K.

You have done extraordinary good!  "Though all is seared with trade, bleared, smeared with toil, ...there lives the dearest freshness deep down things," thanks to you.  the "bent" world is less bent, thanks to you!

-- Fr. Bob O. [quote from Gerard Manley Hopkins]

You are a veritable bulletin board of good stuff.
-- Trustee, Village of Wilmette

We really thank YOU for the time and talent you always bring to discussions on this topic.  Your “normal dialogue” approach to sharing information with the audience gives those with no understanding, as well as those with some understanding, a really good chance at beginning to “get it”.

-- Winnetka LWV member who helped organize affordable housing panel (2006)